Economics and International Relations

Formed of 23 members with the status of holder, the Department of Economics and International Relations is a tradition department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, being formed by teachers whose main concern is the supply of knowledge specific to the fundamental disciplines in the field. However, in addition to the introductory courses in economic logic, he offers students specific disciplines in the field of International Relations and foreign languages. The objective assumed of all its members is the teaching these disciplines with seriousness and professionalism.

In a world faced with increasingly complex challenges, education plays an essential role in developing young generations’ ability to cope with and evolve in a context dominated by uncertainty. Our role as teachers within the Economics and International Relations Department is to discover and develop their capacity to contribute to the overall progress of society. Only by setting these objectives, a “win-win” partnership, which will undoubtedly mark our evolution, can be created. We strongly believe in the importance of understanding current economic phenomena by starting from the essential elements which formed the bases of the greatest theories in the field, we believe in the importance of developing the ability to communicate efficiently in a variety of contexts, and we believe in the importance of passion in getting things done despite all obstacles.

Prof.univ.dr. Andreea Iacobuță, Director Departament

The members of the Department Council

    1. Prof.univ.dr. Liviu MAHA
    2. Prof.univ.dr. Gabriel MURSA
    3. Prof.univ.dr. Cristian POPESCU
    4. Conf.univ.dr. Elena CIORTESCU

The Collective of Economics

The Economics team consists of teachers specialized in teaching the courses that provide the foundation of knowledge absolutely necessary in training a student in the field, respectively Micro- and Macroeconomics. At the same time, its members teach related disciplines, from the more general field of Economics.

The Collective of Economics and International Affairs

The members of this group are specialized in teaching the disciplines that are found, first of all, in the curriculum of the specialization Economy and International Affairs, the specialization-flag of the Department, such as International Trade, Foreign Trade Transactions.

Foreign Language Collective

The teachers of this group teach foreign languages for all the specializations that are found in the offer of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. In addition to the established disciplines (English and French), there are also taught very demanding courses in recent years, respectively, German, Spanish and Italian.

Contact Information
prof.univ.dr. Andreea IACOBUȚĂ
Department Director
Stay in Touch

Our Faculty

Oana-Alexandra Alexa
Lect.univ.dr. / Lecturer, PhD.

Oana-Alexandra Alexa

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English for Business Domenii...
Carina Ionela Brânzilă
Lect.univ.dr. / Lecturer, PhD.

Carina Ionela Brânzilă

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English for Business Domenii...
Mihaela Ifrim
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Mihaela Ifrim

Cursuri predate / Courses: Comerţ internaţional/ International Trade Microeconomie/...
Alina Bruckner
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Alina Bruckner

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba germană pentru afaceri / German Language for Business...
Vasile Ișan
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Vasile Ișan

Cursuri predate / Courses: Tranzacţii în comerţul internaţional I/ Transactions...
Anca Irina Cecal
Lect.univ.dr. / Lecturer, PhD.

Anca Irina Cecal

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English Language for Business...
Raluca Irina Clipa
Prof.univ.dr. /Professor, PhD

Raluca Irina Clipa

Cursuri predate / Courses: Microeconomie / Microeconomics Macroeconomie / Macroeconomics...
Liviu-George Maha
Prof.univ.dr., Habil / Professor, PhD., Habil

Liviu-George Maha

Cursuri predate / Courses: Economie / Economics Politici, instituții și reglementări...
Sorina Chiper
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Sorina Chiper

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English Language for Business...
Andreea Oana Iacobuţă
Prof.univ.dr., Habil, Director Departament / Professor,PhD., Habil, Head of Department

Andreea Oana Iacobuţă

Cursuri predate / Courses: Microeconomie / Microeconomics Macroeconomie / Macroeconomics...
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Gabriela Carmen Pascariu

Cursuri predate / Courses: Turism internaţional / International Tourism Doctrine...
Elena Ramona Ciortescu
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Elena Ramona Ciortescu

Courses: Business English Legal English Intercultural Communication Business Communication...
Ion Ignat
Prof.univ.dr. /Professor, PhD

Ion Ignat

Cursuri predate / Courses: Economie mondială / World Economics Economie politică...
Gheorghe Luțac
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Gheorghe Luțac

Cursuri predate / Courses: Economia dezvoltării / Development Economics Economie...
Luminiţa Cocârţă-Andrei
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Luminiţa Cocârţă-Andrei

Courses Business English Business Communication Business Correspondence Effective...
Spiridon Pralea
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Spiridon Pralea

Cursuri predate / Courses: Economie Internaţională 1 / International Economy 1...
Laura Diaconu Maxim
Prof.univ.dr.,Habil / Professor, PhD.,Habil

Laura Diaconu Maxim

Cursuri predate / Courses: Microeconomie / Microeconomics Macroeconomie / Macroeconomics...
Oana Ramona Guriţă
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Oana Ramona Guriţă

Cursuri predate / Courses: Economie instituțională / Institutional Economics Microeconomie...
Magdalena Leca
Conf.univ.dr. / Associate Professor, PhD.

Magdalena Leca

Cursuri predate / Courses: Metodica și didactica predării limbii germane/ Methodology...
Costică Mihai
Prof.univ.dr. , Habil / Professor, PhD., Habil

Costică Mihai

Cursuri predate / Courses: Teoria și economia dezvoltării / Economic Theory and...
Elena Simona Mitocaru
Lect.univ.dr. / Lecturer, PhD.

Elena Simona Mitocaru

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English Language for Business...
Gabriel Claudiu Mursa
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor,PhD.

Gabriel Claudiu Mursa

Cursuri predate / Courses: Doctrine economice/ Economic Doctrines Economie politică/...
Ruxandra Petrovici
Conf.univ.dr. / Associate Professor, PhD.

Ruxandra Petrovici

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba franceză pentru afaceri / French for Business Comunicare...
Cristian Popescu
Prof.univ.dr.,Habil; Prodecan / Professor,PhD. Habil; Vice-Dean

Cristian Popescu

Cursuri predate/ Courses: Microeconomie/ Microeconomics Macroeconomie/ Macroeconomics...
Ana Alexandra Sanduloviciu
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Ana Alexandra Sanduloviciu

Cursuri predate / Courses: Corespondenţă de afaceri în limba franceză/ Business...
Ion Pohoaţă
Prof.univ.dr. / Professor, PhD.

Ion Pohoaţă

Cursuri predate / Courses: Doctrine şi politici economice/ Economic Doctrines and...
Claudiu Gabriel Ţigănaş
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Claudiu Gabriel Ţigănaş

Cursuri predate / Courses: Microeconomie/ Microeconomics Macroeconomie/ Macroeconomics...
Oana Ursu
Conf.univ.dr. / Assoc.Prof.,PhD.

Oana Ursu

Cursuri predate / Courses: Limba engleză pentru afaceri / English for Business Limba...