Cursuri predate / Courses
Managementul evenimentelor în turism / Events Management in Tourism
Managementul serviciilor/ Services Management
Managementul serviciilor publice/ Public Services Management
Competenţele antreprenoriale ale resurselor umane / Entrepreneurial Competencies of Human Resources
Managementul serviciilor/ Services Management
Managementul serviciilor publice/ Public Services Management
Competenţele antreprenoriale ale resurselor umane / Entrepreneurial Competencies of Human Resources
Educaţie antreprenorială / Entrepreneurial Education
Domenii de interes / Areas of interest
Antreprenoriat/ Entrepreneurship
Diferenţe de gen în mediul antreprenorial/ Gender differences in entrepreneurship
Educaţie antreprenorială/ Entrepreneurship education
Antreprenoriat/ Entrepreneurship
Diferenţe de gen în mediul antreprenorial/ Gender differences in entrepreneurship
Educaţie antreprenorială/ Entrepreneurship education