The International Conference „Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration” (GEBA) aims to promote international cooperation in the field of Economics and Business Administration in Higher Education.
EURINT conference series – The EU as a model of soft power in the Eastern neighbourhood (EURINT2013), European Union in times of crisis. Perspectives and solutions (EURINT2014), Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU (EURINT2015), European Union. Past, present and future (EURINT2015), The Eastern Partenrship under strain – time for a rethinking? (EURINT2016), The world in motion: challenges, territorial dynamics and policy responses (EURINT2022) – launched by the Centre for European Studies in 2013 in the frame of the Jean Monnet Life Long Learning Programme and addresses those who show a genuine interest in enhancing their research skills in European Studies and in contributing to developing a transnational network of contacts and cooperation focusing on Central and Eastern Europe.
„Recent issues in economic and business doctoral research” – the 7th, 8th editions of DSEBA Conference aims at bringing together academics and young researchers from various fields with a keen interest on economics.
- Conferinta Anuala a Economistilor Romani din Mediul Academic din Strainatate (ERMAS) – A 5-a editie: 25-27 iulie 2018, Universitatea „A. I. Cuza”, Iasi
Euro and The European Banking System: Evolutions and Challenges – the international conference aims to bring into light a key issue of the European integration process, namely the way banking integration and the adopting of the European single currency affect the economies of the new member states, June 4-6, 2015, Iași.
Monetary, Banking and Financial Issues in Central and Eastern EU Member Countries: How Can Central and Eastern EU Members Overcome The Current Economic Crisis? – the international conference aims to promote the enhancement of knowledge and debates on the role and the place of financial and monetary policies in the process of relaunching the European economy and obtaining long term economic growth in the European Union in the aftermath of the international financial crisis, April 10-12, 2014, Iași.
Free Economy, Free Society – 3rd edition, 24 October 2013, Iași.