Cursuri predate / Courses
Bazele statisticii/ Fundamentals of Statistics
Econometrie avansată/ Advanced Econometrics
Chestionare statistice/ Statistical Questionnaires
Econometrie/ Econometrics
Analiza seriilor de timp/ Time Series Analysis
Statistică Macroeconomică/ Macroeconomic Statistics
Metode cantitative de studiul pieţei/ Quantitative Methods of Market Research
Software statistic: SPSS, EViws, Statistică/ Statistical Software: SPSS, EViws, Statistics
Econometrie avansată/ Advanced Econometrics
Chestionare statistice/ Statistical Questionnaires
Econometrie/ Econometrics
Analiza seriilor de timp/ Time Series Analysis
Statistică Macroeconomică/ Macroeconomic Statistics
Metode cantitative de studiul pieţei/ Quantitative Methods of Market Research
Software statistic: SPSS, EViws, Statistică/ Statistical Software: SPSS, EViws, Statistics
Domenii de interes / Areas of interest
Econometrie/ Econometrics
Analiza seriilor de timp/ Time Series Analysis
Statistică Macroeconomică/ Macroeconomic Statistics
Metode cantitative de studiul pieţei/ Quantitative Methods of Market Research
Software statistic: SPSS, EViws, Statistică/ Statistical Software: SPSS, EViws, Statistics
Analiza seriilor de timp/ Time Series Analysis
Statistică Macroeconomică/ Macroeconomic Statistics
Metode cantitative de studiul pieţei/ Quantitative Methods of Market Research
Software statistic: SPSS, EViws, Statistică/ Statistical Software: SPSS, EViws, Statistics