Public administration

Prof. Mihaela Onofrei, PhD.
Prof. Florin Oprea, PhD.

(Including from the course pack required for certification as internal auditor in the public sector)

  • First semester
    Ethics in Public Administration
    Environmental Law
    Public Institutions Financial Management
    European Projects Management
    Optional courses: 1 out of 2
    European Policies
    Internal Audit I (Concepts, planning and standards)
    Supplementary courses:
    Corporate Governance and the Internal Control System
    Risk Management
    Second semester
    Computerized Systems
    Comparative Administrative Systems
    European Public Finances
    European Financial Law
    Financial Management of Local Governments
    The educational plan is valid for the first year of study (2024/2025)
  • First semester
    Public Service Law
    Governmental Financial Policies
    Strategic Management
    Optional courses: 1 out of 2
    Internal Audit II (Auditing Missions)
    Quality Management in Public Administration
    Supplementary courses
    Business Accounting
    Scientific research
    Second semester
    European Structural Funds Management
    Public Policies Analysis
    International Protection of Human Rights
    Ethics and academic integrity
    Research of Master’s Thesis Preparation
    The educational plan is valid for the 2nd year of study (2024/2025)

The effectiveness of organisations depends to a large extent on the professional performance of its members Therefore, it is necessary to perform all the necessary changes in public administration with regards to the quality of the human factor involved. The Master’s in Public Administration aims to provide solutions and support in this respect.

OBJECTIVES: Training highly specialised professionals in the field of Public Administration; increasing the level of knowledge, the skills and practical abilities required for professional integration and career development, within the context of sectorial/ geographic mobility.

WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THIS PROGRAMME: Because you want to train your public administration management skills; because you want to join a team that defines quality and excellence in graduate learning in the field of public administration; because you want to become involved in research projects together with your colleagues and teachers; because you want to participate in annual conferences organised for Master’s students; because we know how to train you to become a LEADER.

PROGRAMME SPECIFICITY:Curriculum adapted to particularities and demands (of the sector, the employers, the students); interdisciplinary training (in the legal, economic, management field); training for professional positions in local, central and private administration; training for professional positions in administrative structures; ensuring that the legal requirements imposed for fulfilling leading civil service positions/ acquiring the quality of high official.

The Programme is a beneficiary of project POSDRU 60072