Secretarial office
Information concerning registration, expulsion, students’rights and obligations etc., can be found in the Teaching Regulations, displayed on the faculty notice boards at the first floor, B Building, across the B1 amphitheatre, or on the faculty site, at the following address: https://www.portal/
The students’ certificates can be accessed on-line from https://www.portal/, Section Secretariate/ Certificates.
Information concerning the timetables, the assessment results, the courses etc can be found at the address https://www.portal/
Schedule of the secretariate for the public:
Monday 10:00-13:00
Tuesday 10:00-13:00
Wednesday 10:00-13:00
Thursday 10:00-12:30
Friday 11:00-13:00
FEAA Library (B Building, first floor, B401), open in 2002, is almost exclusively equipped with books and magazines in foreign languages ( especially English and French), disctionaries, but also with a large number of state of the art computers. The access in the library is based on students’cards.
Chief librarian, Elena Chiaburu, PhD, tel.: 201652, e-mail: .
„Mihai Eminescu”, Central University Library, 4 Păcurari Street; the Library of Economic Sciences – Specialized Branch of „Mihai Eminescu”, Central University Library, is situated in the C Building of the University (e-mail:; tel.: 0232/201452), the Library of the Romanian Academy, Iasi, 8 Carol I Avenue; „Gheorghe Asachi”, County Library,, 10 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Avenue (the building of Ștefan cel Mare Galleries, first floor).
Besides the faculty libraries, the students have acces to the libraries of the French, German and British Cultural Centres, all of them situated within walking distance from the university.
Accommodation and dining spaces
The university has accommodation spaces in several campuses from the city. The FEAA students are welcome to „Titu Maiorescu”, „Târguşor Copou”, „Codrescu”, „Tudor Vladimirescu”, „Gaudeamus” and „Akademos” campuses. The accommodation places are distributed annually for each faculty, proportionally to the number of students applying for them. The students may dine at the restaurant from „Titu Maiorescu” campus or to the „Gaudeamus” restaurant.
Medical services
Titu Maiorescu campus, Hostel C8, room 1
Telefon: 0232 201324
The medical service is provided by:
Dr. Paraschiva GÂSCĂ, MD, Family medicine.
Consultation/medical advice schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 13.00-18.00
Tuesday and Thursday: 8.00-13.00
Dr. Carmen CĂRARE, MD, General medicine
Consultation/medical advice schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00-13:00;
Tuesday and Thursday: 13:30-18:30
The surgery for students is situated in „Titu Maiorescu” campus, at the groundfloor of the P8 hostel and it provides free healthcare for all students of the university, offering medical advice, prescriptions and treatments. As to be included in the database of the surgery, the students will present the student card/certificate, the health ensurance card and the identity card. Please note that the students do not need to withdraw from their family doctors from their locality. Students with chronic deseases will present themselves to the surgery with the appropriate medical documentation for special records.
Scholarships, camps and transportation
The general criteria for granting scholarships are elaborated by the Senate of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University and take into account the educational organization system (the ECTS system) and the net income of the student’s family or of the legal supporter. The students may benefit from the following categories of scholarships during the schooling period:
scholarships for scientific performance that are awarded by contest for 12 consecutive months, starting with the awarding date;
merit scholarships and study scholarships that are awarded considering the students’ professional performances;
social aid scholarships that are granted on request, depending on the financial situation of the parents or legal supporters;
occasional social aid scholarships that may be awarded twice in an academic year on request, for students with special situations, regardless of whether the student benefits from another scholarship already.
You may get supplementary information at the University site, section Students/Scholarships.
Student camps
There are free tickets in student camps, within the limits of the allocated places, for those students attending public education, who after the previous year of study have passed all exams. The students may benefit from such tickets only once a year.
Therefore, in the vicinity of holidays, students should follow the distribution of places at the notice boards from the faculty and online, and apply for one place as soon as possible. Such a holiday at the seaside or to the mountains lasts for 7 days and is organized in series.
As a student at UAIC, one gets the following discounts:
- 50% for regional trains, second class (on the basis of a sealed transport pass)
- 50% for faster trains (for 24 travels, on the basis of the coupons book)
- Local public transport
For details, contact the secretarial office of the faculty.
The E-learning platform
Services offered to students:
Administrative services
- Registers users on the platform in an automated way
- Registers users for courses in an automated way (with Student role)
- Administers data and information with personal character (grades, content files)
- Offers safety and protection of personal data and information
User services
- Safe access to the platform anytime and anywhere ( user name and pass) and to the courses content that the student applies for
- Uploading files within the course (working group/groups in a project)
- Debate and mailing Forum within each course (optional)
- Virtual Classroom, – a module of the application that allows interaction among participants (teachinf staff and students) to the course, in real time
- Registers with students’ grades/points from online tests or from seminars/courses are available
Contact: Lucian Berechet – analist
Tel. 0232-201443, e-mail:; Office B 421, first floor, B Building, University
School management
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has implemented a computer system that provides the information necessary for the students’ evaluation and allows students to electronically access their school and financial situation (ESIMS). It has also developed an INTRANET communication system with access to the faculty website, which provides an easy and fast communication system between the teaching staff and the students of our faculty.
Internet access and email services
The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University campus, including hostels, benefit from a high speed connection to the university data communication network.
The students from „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi may get free email, maintenance and support services. For each and every student the following services are available:
- Institutionally, students receive an account with;
- Cloud data storage with a capacity of 50 GB;
- Individual or group work with documents through the following applications: Word Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Excel Web App and OneNote Web App; space for personal website with public and group section;
- Contacts and instant messaging.
Contact: Mugurel Patrichi – Programmer analyst
Tel. 0232-201418, e-mail:; Office B327a, groundfloor, B Building University.