The Economics and International Business programme provides students with the appropriate framework for the acquisition of very good communication skills in at least two international languages, for the development of high-level capabilities to access international study programs, to understand world economy phenomena, the European Union’s international business environment, the institutions and policies of the European Union, and the professional compatibility of institutions that manage European funding programmes. It allows them to acquire professional skills that ensure their employability in a large number of operations ranging from private domestic business engaged in foreign trade to multinational companies and international institutions.
- First semester
Fundamentals of Accounting
Applied Mathematics for Economics
Business Law
English/French/German for Business 1
Business Information Technology
Sports 1
Second semester
Fundamentals of Statistics
End-User Computing
Financial Accounting
English/French/German for Business 2
Sports 2
Supplementary courses
Fundamentals of Mathematics
Personal Finance
The educational plan is valid for the first year of study (2024/2025) - First semester
European Economic Integration
International Trade
English/French/German for Business 3
Sports 3
Second semester
Institutions and Regulations in International Trade
Money and Credit
International Business Management
Foreign Language 1 (German/Spanish/Italian/Russian)
English/French/German for Business 4
Sports 4
The educational plan is valid for the 2nd year of study (2024/2025) - First semester
International Business Transactions
Economic Doctrines
International Finance
Electives (International Relations and Diplomacy; Governance structures in the world economy)- 1 out of 2
Electives (Business Communication in English 1/ Business Communication in French 1)
Foreign Language 2 (German/Spanish/Italian/Russian)
Second semester
Negotiations in International Business
International Project Management
International Business Logistics
Electives (International Tourism; Fundamentals of Financial Management; Methodology of writing a Bachelor thesis ; Ethics and academic integrity) 1 out of 4
Electives (Business Communication in English 2/ Business Communication in French 2)
Foreign Language 3(German/Spanish/Italian/Russian)
The educational plan is valid for the 3rd year of study (2024/2025)
The EAI study programme aims to provide high quality education in the field of the economic analysis of international relations, a competitive and internationally compatible level of professional knowledge, excellence in widely circulating foreign language training, and the development of the capacity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. It also intends to stimulate international student mobility and to train graduates’ capacity to adjust to the ongoing changes on the labour market. Graduates of this programme can pursue a professional career in many institutions and organisations, such as: foreign trade companies and institutions, companies engaged in import-export operations, representations and subsidiaries of foreign companies, European Union bodies and institutions, International relations departments in banks, insurance companies and international financial institutions, international transportation and shipping companies, professional associations, research institutes and research centres, government agencies, etc.