Welcome to FEAA

Welcome to FEAA

  • FEAA

    The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) is one of the largest faculties of economics in Romania, with more than 7,000 students and 133 teaching staff members.
    The Faculty’s administrative offices, research and teaching facilities are in the B and C buildings of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi, with more than 8 auditoria, 15 laboratories and 19 seminar rooms. There are 2 well-equipped libraries where students can study and consult topical bibliography. Students enrolled in FEAA are allotted more than 1,300 places in student residence halls on the campus of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.

    About us

  • Study programmes

    The Faculty has a comprehensive educational offer, structured on 3 levels: Bachelor (undergraduate), Master and Doctorate.
    Thus, there are 11 undergraduate programmes (2 of which are taught in English), 49 master’ programmes (4 of which are taught in English, and 2 are taught in Romanian and French) and 8 doctoral programmes.

  • JOIN US!

    The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, through its undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programmes, offers you good opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills for a large number of professions in the fields of: economics, business administration, finance, accounting, business information systems, management, marketing and public administration.
    Admission is done directly to the study programme of your choice, based on a competition of files.