Mission and Objectives


The Mission of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA)

is to provide high-quality education in order to develop students’ intellectual capacity, moral character and field-specific knowledge, as essential prerequisites for the training of professional elites, and to develop high-level scientific research in order to spread a genuine economic culture, the values of economic and political freedom, and entrepreneurship, as premises for economic and social progress.

The Objectives of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

  • to adjust its educational offer to the requirements of the development of a market economy and of an “open” society in Romania;

  • to assimilate Western standards of academic education, as a ground for the training of professionals capable of responding the “challenges” of European integration and the globalisation of world economy;

  • to integrate education with scientific research, as a premise for the development of an elite teaching staff;

  • to develop an organisational culture that would confer identity and reputation to the Faculty, a sense of institutional belonging and loyalty to the University’s academic community;

  • to introduce and consolidate quality management in all educational programmes and administrative activities, in order to boost competitive advantages;

  • to develop partnerships with the business world and public institutions, in order to permanently adjust the educational offer to the requirements of the labour market and to improve students’ vocational training;

  • to position our Faculty in the top Romanian higher education “schools” and to gain international recognition.