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International Conference EUFIRE 2022

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are glad to invite you to submit your papers and to participate in the International Conference “EU FInance, Business and Regulation EUFIRE 2022” organized by the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iaşi (Romania), on the 13th and 14th of May.

The conference aims at offering the framework for debating the main challenges faced within the European Union and globally, emphasizing the regulatory perspective for the financial sector in particular, and also for the business sector, in general. The event will reunite academics, researchers and practitioners, both from Romania and abroad, and will provide the necessary background for the development of constructive analysis and productive dialogue. The participation into sessions of the event will be opened to academics, researchers, students and practitioners with interests in EU economic, public administration and legal studies, in order to present the results of their scientific work and/or to attend/participate at the discussions.

In response to the actual restrictive challenges for organizing academic events, the conference organizing committee proposes the on-line format, guaranteeing the opportunity for all the participants to bring up their research results for debate, both in plenary sessions and in panel discussions. The conference is offering the possibility to present the papers and to benefit of other specialists’ pertinent opinion on the results of the research. Young researchers are kindly invited to send their contributions.

The conference will host the Workshop on Strengthening the Jean Monnet professors’ cooperation. The participants at this associated event (Jean Monnet professor, researchers and students and graduates of Jean Monnet courses) will analyze the perspective of developing EU studies and the efficiency of the cooperation within the network, in the view of the new JM programs.