The MA programme in Marketing has been offered by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration since 1990, and it has thus gained experience measured in 22 student cohorts. The quality of the programme is also certified by the fact that it has received the ARACIS (Romanian Agency for the Accreditation of Higher Education) accreditation corresponding to the highest level of confidence. Yet, it is always the market that confirms value: UAIC Marketing graduates are among the most sought-after in the country.
Would you like to be our student? Here’s what we offer:
- First semester
Fundamentals of Accounting
Applied Mathematics for Economics
Business Law
English / French / German for Business 1
Business Information Technology
Sports 1
Second semester
Fundamentals of Statistics
End-User Computing
Financial Accounting
English / French / German for Business 2
Sports 2
Supplementary courses – Personal finances
The educational plan is valid for the first year of study (2024/2025) - First semester
Consumer Behavior
English / French / German for Business 3
Sports 3
Second semester
Entrepreneurial education
Money and Credit
Promotional Techniques
Communication and Business Negotiation
English / French / German for Business 4
Sports 4
The educational plan is valid for the 2nd year of study (2024/2025) - First semester
Electives (Principles of Design in Marketing Communication; International Trade Techniques; Financial Management) – 1 out of 3
Marketing Research
Sales Techniques
Direct Marketing
Foreign Language (Italian; Spanish)Second semester
International Marketing
Logistics Supply and Sales
Marketing Projects
Service Marketing
Electives (Bachelor Thesis Methodology Development; Ethics and Academic Integrity) – 1 out of 2
The educational plan is valid for the 3rd year of study (2024/2025)
How can you find out if Marketing is exactly what you are looking for? Check if the following statements describe you:
- I think Marketing is only 1% creativity and 99% hard work.
- I want to learn how to communicate effectively and I am ready to discover what is on a consumer’s mind.
- Information brings power, so I choose to learn how to collect, interpret and use data.
- Buying is a science and I am ready to acquire new methods and tools.
- Selling is an art and I want to become a skilled master of sales techniques.
- I am preparing for the future, so for the online and international environment, in which any foreign language is a personal gain. I believe in a team, yet I know that every team is made up of people, so I believe in the HUMAN PERSON!
If the statements above describe you, this is the right study programme for you and you are the HUMAN PERSON we are looking for!