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GEBA 2021




Call for paper

The conference aims at bringing together academics and researchers from various fields with a keen interest in globalization challenges for higher education. At the same time, the conference will provide a venue for an interdisciplinary debate on economic globalization. The organizers hope that the contributors will provide a valuable overview of the current trends in academic research within a larger context of the global impact on society and economy. The presenters are encouraged to emphasize on the role of education and research in Economics and Business Administration in an attempt to offer a better and more insightful understanding of globalization.


Final Paper Submission Deadline:  October 5th, 2021

Notification of Acceptance:  October 10th, 2021

Guidelines for participants

Participants are expected to submit papers (research papers, review papers, research notes, Ph.D. research in progress, case studies and essays) which have not been publicly presented or published before. All accepted papers will be presented at the conference. The official language of the conference is English.

1.The final paper must be submitted using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English.
2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here:

  word format  


1. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register to attend the conference.
2. Only papers registered before October 17th will be presented at the conference.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Carol I Boulevard no.22, Iasi, Romania
Phone +40 232201627 Fax +40 232217000