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GEBA 2011


Paper submission

Welcome to the final paper submission on-line form.

Please, remember the following important dates:

Final Paper Submission Deadline DEADLINE EXTENSION
July 24th,2011
Notification of Acceptance August 15th, 2011
Registration deadline (*) September 15th, 2011
Conference Dates October 20-22, 2011

Only papers registered before September 15th will be presented at the conference/ will be published in GEBA2011 Conference volume.

Submission guidelines:

1. Papers will be submitted on-line.

2. Papers will be written in English.

3. The deadline for paper submission is July 24th, 2011.

4. There is a limit of 2 papers per author.

5.The final paper must be submitted using the template form provided.

6. The Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by email by 15th of August 2011.


  • If you ever forget your password, please click on PASSWORD REMINDER
  • Please use your e-mail and password to LOG IN.
  • By logging in, you can follow the progress of your papers on-line. This option enables you to upload your papers.

For technical problems or submission support, please contact .

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Carol I Boulevard no.22, Iasi, Romania
Phone +40 232201170 Fax +40 232217000