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GEBA 2009


OCTOBER 22, Thursday


08.30-10.00     Registration
10.00-12.30     Plenary session - Conference Opening
13.00-14.30     Lunch – Akademos Hotel
15.00-16.30     Parallel sessions
16.30-16.45     Coffee Break
16.45-18.15     Parallel sessions
18.15-18.30     Coffee Break
18.30-20.00     Parallel sessions
20.00-22.00     Reception – 5th floor


OCTOBER 23, Friday


09.00-10.30     Parallel sessions
10.30-11.00     Coffee Break
11.00-13.00     Parallel sessions
13.00-14.30     Lunch - Gaudeamus Hotel
15.00-16.30     Parallel sessions
16.30-16.45     Coffee Break
16.45-18.15     Parallel sessions
19.30               Gala Dinner, Panoramic Restaurant


OCTOBER 24, Saturday


08.00-22.00    One-day trip around Iasi.


For the detailed programme, please follow this link.


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Carol I Boulevard no.22, Iasi, Romania Ph. +40 232201070 Fax +40 232217000